Lumen Acupuncture And Light

Acupuncture and Light Therapy supporting your deepest healing

A Chinese medicine clinic, supporting healthy individuals and building a more resilient community.

Carbondale, Colorado


All are welcome

Lumen is a wellness clinic integrating Chinese medicine and Lucia Nº03 Light Therapy. Lumen Acupuncture and Light is unique in offering its patients diverse treatment modalities to explore their healing journey, allowing for a deeper experience of health, wellness and healing.

Individualized consultations and treatment plans are customized to work with you and your own healing process. These profound therapies allow you to rebalance your life and rediscover your Self again.

Lumen offers comprehensive and professional care, supporting your optimal health. We utilize the tools of acupuncture, Chinese herbalism and medicine, integrative bodywork, and Lucia Light therapy.

Regulate your nervous system

Live a more healthy and integrated life

Please, come as you are

Reset your nervous system

Begin your wellness within

Acupuncture for the entire family

Chinese herbal medicine consults

Seasonal Wellness and Immune Support

Integrated and customized treatments

~ building a more resilient community ~

Adam P. Hutchison

  • Licensed Acupuncturist

  • Master of Science in Oriental Medicine

  • Chinese Herbalist

  • Lucia Light Practitioner

  • Breathwork Facilitator

I am a Chinese medicine practitioner, dedicated to supporting the diverse needs of my patients. I connect with every patient and provide a healing space for transformational Chinese medicine and Lucia Light Therapy.

I am also an ever-evolving human being, rough around the edges and far from perfect. I have many diverse interests and aspirations — Lumen is an attempt to integrate many of these lofty dreams. My happy place is out in the mountains, forests, rivers or deserts with my family and friends — exploring new peaks and horizons, usually while listening to inspiring music.

I allow my patients to discover their own journey of health, healing, and wellness.

Please, join me.

 Supporting Emotional Wellness

You are your strongest medicine

As a human on this earth, it is perhaps our greatest blessing to experience this radiant world through our senses and our emotions. While we revel in the qualities of light, beauty, and joy, we are also keenly sensitive to experiencing emotional challenges on a daily basis.

Anguish • Sorrow • Heartache • Grief • Anger • Fright

Fear • Anxiety • Depression • Mania • PTSD • Trauma

As we experience these sensations regularly, sometimes we are unable to fully process them or fully honor them. These feelings can become trapped in the body as a regular pattern, subtly influencing our thoughts and behavior. Emotions can obscure the healthy flow of qi throughout the body, veiling the nature of our sovereign Heart. Allowing ourselves to feel into these emotions and sit with the pain is both challenging and transformational. I invite you to discover your medicine within.

Allow yourself to feel again

Lumen is a trauma-informed clinic that can gently support your emotional process with therapies such as: acupuncture, light therapy, herbal medicine, guided somatic work, and much more.

Rediscover your joy

Come as you are

  • Rediscover

    Develop a new relationship with past pains and traumas.

  • Reconnect

    Deepen your relationship with yourself and your community.

  • Rekindle

    Define a new sense of you and light the way for others.

  • Redefine

    Refine how you choose to live your life.